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New York April 24, 9:29 am
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🇩🇯 Djiboutian Franc (DJF)

DJF Currency Demographics

The primary country using the Djiboutian Franc is Djibouti.

The currency code for the Djiboutian Franc is "DJF". The ISO 4217 number for this currency is 262.

There are approximately 1,120,849 people around the world who use the Djiboutian Franc. The Djiboutian Franc is the #128 most used widely currency is the world.

1,120,849 user population
Ranked #128 in the world

DJF Exchange Rates

1 Djiboutian Franc equals:

Australian Dollar


Inverse: 115.48


Inverse: 189.67
British Pound


Inverse: 220.66
Indian Rupee


Inverse: 2.13
Japanese Yen


Inverse: 1.14
US Dollar


Inverse: 177.17

† Rates last updated at 8 hours ago

‡ Rates are the interbank rate and are only available on large transactions

DJF Currency Facts

DJF Details

ISO 4217 CodeDJF
ISO 4217 Number262
Unit NameFranc
Currency NicknamesN.a.

DJF Denominations

Minor Unit NameN.a.
Minor Unit Symbol N.a.
Minor UnitsN.a.
Frequently Used banknotesN.a.
Rarely Used BanknotesN.a.
Frequently Used CoinsN.a.
Rarely Used CoinsN.a.

DJF Issuance

Central BankN.a.
Central Bank WebsiteN.a.

World Bank Statistics

Estimated User Population1,120,849 people
Population Rank#128
DJF Inflation Rate5.18%
Inflation Rank#99

† Population and Inflation rate as based on data from the World Bank.

‡ Corrections or suggestions? Please contact us.

2024 DJF Currency Holidays

No holidays available