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🇫🇰 Falkland Island Pound (FKP)
FKP Currency Demographics
The primary country using the Falkland Island Pound is Falkland Islands.
Note: pegged to GBP 1:1
The currency code for the Falkland Island Pound is "FKP". The ISO 4217 number for this currency is 238. The currency symbol for the Pound is "£".
There are approximately 3,662 people around the world who use the Falkland Island Pound.
3,662 user population
FKP Exchange Rates
1 Falkland Island Pound equals:
† Rates last updated at 3 hours ago
‡ Rates are the interbank rate and are only available on large transactions
FKP Currency Facts
FKP Details
ISO 4217 Code | FKP |
ISO 4217 Number | 238 |
Unit Name | Pound |
Symbol | £ |
Currency Nicknames | N.a. |
FKP Denominations
Minor Unit Name | Pence |
Minor Unit Symbol | p |
Minor Units | 2 |
Frequently Used banknotes | £5, £10, £20, £50 |
Rarely Used Banknotes | N.a. |
Frequently Used Coins | £1, £2, p1, p2, p5, p10, p20, p50 |
Rarely Used Coins | N.a. |
FKP Issuance
Central Bank | N.a. |
Central Bank Website | N.a. |
World Bank Statistics
Estimated User Population | 3,662 people |
Population Rank | N.a. |
FKP Inflation Rate | N.a. |
Inflation Rank | N.a. |
† Population and Inflation rate as based on data from the World Bank.
‡ Corrections or suggestions? Please contact us.
2025 FKP Currency Holidays
No holidays available