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🇪🇺 Euro (EUR)
EUR Currency Demographics
The primary country using the Euro is Eurozone. The Euro is also used in Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Saint Barthélemy, Cyprus, and 27 others.
The currency code for the Euro is "EUR". The ISO 4217 number for this currency is 978. The currency symbol for the Euro is "€".
There are approximately 347,529,807 people around the world who use the Euro.
347,529,807 user population
EUR Exchange Rates
1 Euro equals:
† Rates last updated at 6 hours ago
‡ Rates are the interbank rate and are only available on large transactions
EUR Currency Facts
EUR Details
ISO 4217 Code | EUR |
ISO 4217 Number | 978 |
Unit Name | Euro |
Symbol | € |
Currency Nicknames | Ege (Finnish), Pavo (Spanish), Yoyo (Irish English), Teuro (German) |
EUR Denominations
Minor Unit Name | cent |
Minor Unit Symbol | ¢ |
Minor Units | 2 |
Frequently Used banknotes | €5, €10, €20, €50, €100 |
Rarely Used Banknotes | €200, €500 |
Frequently Used Coins | €1, €2, 5 cent, 10 cent, 20 cent, 50 cent |
Rarely Used Coins | 1 cent, 2 cent |
EUR Issuance
Central Bank | European Central Bank |
Central Bank Website | |
World Bank Statistics
Estimated User Population | 347,529,807 people |
Population Rank | N.a. |
EUR Inflation Rate | N.a. |
Inflation Rank | N.a. |
† Population and Inflation rate as based on data from the World Bank.
‡ Corrections or suggestions? Please contact us.
2024 EUR Currency Holidays
Name | Date |
New Year's Day | Monday, January 1, 2024 (past) |
Good Friday | Friday, March 29, 2024 (past) |
Easter | Monday, April 1, 2024 (past) |
Labor Day | Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (past) |
Christmas Day | Wednesday, December 25, 2024 |
Christmas Day | Thursday, December 26, 2024 † |
EUR Currency History
The Euro was created in January 1999. The table below shows the history of currencies that ultimately became the Euro.
Currency | Active | Replaced By |
Lithuanian litas (LTL) | January 1993 to January 2015 | EUR |
UIC franc (XFU) | unknown to November 2013 | EUR |
Latvian lats (LVL) | January 1992 to January 2013 | EUR |
Estonian kroon (EEK) | January 1992 to January 2010 | EUR |
Slovak koruna (SKK) | February 1993 to January 2007 | EUR |
Cypriot pound (CYP) | January 1879 to January 2006 | EUR |
Maltese lira (MTL) | May 1972 to January 2006 | EUR |
Slovenian tolar (SIT) | October 1991 to January 2005 | EUR |
Greek drachma (GRD) | May 1954 to January 2001 | EUR |
Irish pound (IEP) | January 1938 to January 1999 | EUR |
Portuguese escudo (PTE) | May 1911 to January 1999 | EUR |
Dutch guilder (NLG) | January 1810 to January 1999 | EUR |
Luxembourg franc (LUF) | January 1944 to January 1999 | EUR |
Italian lira (ITL) | January 1861 to January 1999 | EUR |
Andorran franc (ADF) | January 1960 to January 1999 | EUR |
French franc (FRF) | January 1960 to January 1999 | EUR |
Finnish markka (FIM) | January 1860 to January 1999 | EUR |
Spanish peseta (ESP) | January 1869 to January 1999 | EUR |
German mark (DEM) | January 1948 to January 1999 | EUR |
Belgian franc (BEF) | January 1832 to January 1999 | EUR |
Austrian schilling (ATS) | January 1945 to January 1999 | EUR |
Andorran peseta (ADP) | January 1896 to January 1999 | EUR |
European Currency Unit (XEU) | March 1979 to December 1998 | EUR |
Monegasque franc (MCF) | January 1960 to March 1995 | FRF |
Spanish peseta (ESB) | unknown to December 1994 | ESP |
Vatican lira (VAL) | January 1929 to December 1994 | ITL |
San Marinese lira (SML) | January 1864 to August 1992 | ITL |
East German mark (DDM) | June 1948 to July 1990 | DEM |
Spanish peseta (ESA) | January 1978 to December 1981 | ESP |